Prayer is Not Talking to God

When we were kids, we were told that prayer is just simply talking to God. Many were taught to talk to God like they were talking to a friend. And of course, this isn’t all bad. But this understanding has harmed prayer practices and kept people from accessing meaningful connection with themselves and with others.

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Meet the Mystic: Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was one of the most influential religious figures of his time and one who truly moved beyond a belief system. Not only was he an advocate of social justice and peace, but he was a pioneer for interfaith engagement and his writing continues to be relevant today. He’s also a public figure of whom the state of Kentucky can actually be proud…

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Mary Oliver: Poet and Teacher

American poet Mary Oliver passed away into the Great Unknown. While it is sad and we grieve her death, she leaves behind a plethora of lessons for all of us. Progressive Christians have found in Mary Oliver a teacher, a guide, and a coach. She has gifted us with her words, but also with her spirit of curiosity, her vulnerability, and her steadfast insistence on the goodness of the created world.

Although her poems are vast and each one bears its own gifts to its hearers, we want to highlight a few of her poems and the import they have on our lives and our spirituality.

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5 Ways to Find God Today

There’s a story in the Hebrew Bible where one of the main characters, Jacob, had a crazy dream. He dreamt that there was a ladder that came down from the sky and angels were going up and coming down the ladder. When Jacob awakens from this dream, he says, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it.” It is easy to walk through life and not realize that God is indeed present. It is easy to not pay attention. As progressive people of faith, we have an opportunity to encounter the Divine presence in diverse people, experiences, and settings. If only we wake up.

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